Monday 5 December 2011

Origins Unit 1:
Evaluation of SLEUTHS, SPIES & LIES project:

On the first day of the project when we were given the brief, just like most projects, it was quite daunting, especially as our first project of the TIP course. I found it quite difficult to get started with research, which I think is reflected throughout the project. However, during workshops I managed to find enough inspiration to create samples. From the feedback I received, I know how I would like to begin my next project, which I will do so by having plenty of initial drawings. During my drawing workshops I found it difficult to link my drawings in these workshops to my project theme, which I think was because of lack of in- depth research, from group tutorials I have seen how others have linked these workshops really well, and would like to try to do the same on my next project. I also found the group tutorials useful for inspiration towards sketchbooks. Because I am quite an organised person, I feel my sketchbooks reflect this too well and end up becoming too structured and almost like a picture-book telling a story. Throughout my time doing my Foundation Diploma last year, I found sketchbooks quite difficult to get right and I think this is because of my organised nature and perhaps I strive too much to make it easy to follow for the viewer, that it doesn't feel like a sketchbook anymore, so I will try to change this for my next one. I was content with my feedback from this project, as I feel it was clear and helpful and am looking forward to beginning the Sampling Unit, taking the constructive criticism to inspire my development throughout the project.
Personal Project:
Knitting a Scarf:

Over the last two weeks (assessment week and feedback week) we were advised to visit museums and art galleries, delve in to the library's art-film collection and just try to collect inspiration. I wanted to also use this independent time to practice drawing and techniques for making. I am quite a constructive designer, so, whilst deciding on the Knit option for workshop sign up, I thought I would practice what I already can do, which is hand knit. Every Winter for the past 3 years I have knitted at least one scarf, be it for myself, or a friend and I enjoy doing so as a little personal project, which can be quite therapeutic.

I can do basic hand- knitting and purling so I try to use these techniques in an aesthetic way, in the past I have knitted squares and simple patterns in to scarves, this time I decided to add stripes using the purling technique:

I am using a 50% Wool/50% Acrylic, chunky yarn, so it will be soft and hopefully quite big. I am looking forward to wearing it over Christmas, and to start the Knit Workshop to learn new techniques and maybe to produce something more diverse than a scarf!